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Titel (22)

 2024 Aug 24
Future: Quantum Computing, Neuro Devices and
Service Roboting
 · in process
The modern market is a techmarket, this is the new renessaince and while you are taking a Sun Bath with a cool Caipirinha, some insane pioneer is creating the new transforming idea (what a rime).

 2024 Aug 12
Marketing: Neuroengineering and subliminal
 · in process
Aka. how to influence human Race. The more you uncover yourself the more you know about how to influence others. Hypnosis is a crucial part of modern Business

 2024 Aug 08
Purpose: Why its found only within the process
of Creation
 · in process
I needed to write this. After years, decades of media consumption i finally was able to find what searched, but somewhere i didnt expect.

 2024 Jul 31
Religion: How self-improvement grew into
a new Religion
 · in process
We heard enough, we want the true core of self improvement, we want a religion to finnaly set this revolution into an universal principle, everbody can follow, we need a unification. This is my approach and goal with this blogpost, enjoy.
Do you know what apple is, it's a trap which should make you dependend. The only guide you need to read to understand consumerism, modern tech is a disaster, if you want to approach it right here is the guide, find out more!

 2024 Jul 07
Logic: The incompletness Sentences of Kurt Gödel ·
 in process
Gödel's incompleteness theorem is one of the most important theorems in modern logic. Understanding a glimpse, is like knowing where the limit of the human evolution and our Brains are, so lets dive in.

 2024 Jul 06
Philosophy: Speak to me Zarathustra ·
 in process
Trying to understand the World of Nietzsche might be hard, the books are long and brought, so lets compress some key methods on how to approach nietzsche to really understand what's going on in a comprehensible amount of time, it's worth it.

 2024 Jun 07
Sanity: Adorno, industrieculture and digital
 · in process
Learn about the philosopher Theodor W. Adorno and what he wanted to tell us about the evolution of the Industrieculture, while bringing it into relation with the current development of the 21th Century.

 2024 Apr 26
Faith: Theology, anthropology and religions
in 21th Century
 · in process
Atheism is the most practiced Religion nowadays, people killed jesus in order to make themselves a Giant, not a God then this is the everturning cycle of time and matter. Curious? So let's dive in!

 2024 Apr 26
Science: The effect of Media from a
Neuroscientific Perspective
 · in process
Did you ever wondered what is going on inside your head when you literally cannot get away from your screen, what lies behind that phenomenon of forgetting about space and time, getting lose in a endless cycle of satisfaction (hedonism).

 2024 Apr 17
Independence: How to happy autark life ·
 in process
Finally a quick summary of tools to get more independend from your big brother, housing, energy, gas, electricty and cellular, all combined in this small but effective blogpost.
The Industrie is build upon sad people, people that have a general need for junk food, materialism and status, to conclude constantly unsatisfied poeple in a world of rut racing dopamin quickies, getting and forcing children into the same catastrophy feeding this indstrualised cycle.

 2024 Apr 01
 in process
"Please sign here, here and here." Banks can get you in depth, deduct you fees, invest your money and let your kids repay for your house in case you die too early. No thanks, here are your independ alternatives.

 2024 Mar 20
I travelled Asia. Alone. I made some Videos about it, you will find a summary of my 'China to South Korea to Japan Travel' in this funny little storyboard like blogpost.

 2024 Mar 08 
 in process
Do you know what to do when the apocalypse starts? Dont mind, if we keep on doing what everyone else does, everything will be just fine right? We will never need to think for ourselves right? We can relax, right...

 2023 Feb 18
 · in process
In this Blogpost we discuss and help the young folks (which i am part of), firstly how to understand and secondly how to participate in modern german politics. Finishing up with some Guides on global structures of power and diplmatics.

 2023 Jan 30
90's Anime: How Germanistik reflect in Japanese
 · in process
 Japanese movies are filled up with germanistic references, i always loved the rich symbolism, calm and peaceful landscapes, reserved humour and future visions. But the shiere amount of them is frightening, so i combined some key analysis, hop in.

 2023 Jan 28
 · in process
How to reduce modern webbloat plus scientific research on the desruptive influences of overstimulation.

 2023 Jan 08
 in process
Interesting parallels of diagnostics about consiousness with useful and deep studys and truths, found about our inner world (Internalworld).

 2023 Dez 30
How to immerse yourself with compressed Books about various Topics like Science, Wealth or Health.

 2023 Dez 24
Self-Improvement helped me with variuous topics like fitness, focus, drive and money. Here is a quick recap of what if learned in the past 2 Years (2021-2023).

 2023 Nov 04
Music for a more clever (or failed) audience. The first listening, opens the box of the great metamusic pandora of Luk&Fil plus Retrogott, whose timeless humming in the ears suggests ad absurdum.