Marlon's Webpage

I am Marlon Ivo and this is my web Page. You can find here anything i discovered about Life and Meaning over the years.
📧 Contact & Donations📚 My Personal Library
🖥️ Software Philosophy📜 Blogposts & Scripts
🏴‍☠️ Language Learning🌳 My Familiytree🎯 Fix your Life🎓 Resume

My Projects & Start Up's

You can find my Future Proof Super Smart Business Analysis here.
Gather more decentralization, build it yourself, make technology yours and hide from the big'ol CIA
Track habits, set goals, hunt achievements and share knowledge all around your healthy fitness lifestyle
Start-Up Social (the better LinkedIN) - find Chad's that want to achieve financial freedom by themselves too 
Connect to any kind of technical device in your Enviroment with code, wearable sensors and neural-network-devices
Buy, finance, rent housing and land easily and P2P. It has never been so easy, even a kid can do it.
🎥 My Videos
Also available on  Youtube  about things i like

Bigger Projects

🏞️ Ark Movement
I believe that a sustainable Future begins now by the Work of Individuals, who have the courage to live on their own
🤝🏻 Trustless Software
The new hacky Platform for all sorts of Software Bridging, lets dig into the kernel together with software you build your own
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